For one thing...... my eyelids..... like i tried all that asian eyelid glue and all that..... (and followed the instructions on youtube) and it still doesn't look like i have a fold. Also the skin on my eyelid felt really stretched and strange........
So here is my attempt:
My eyes looked more even/ makeup looked a lot more noticeable in real life........ then again i did use flash :O
So i asked the gyaru gurus what i could do to improve and they photoshopped me:
Oh yeah..... i also had a dream about black eye shadow (and steph)......definitely need to get some now!
edit: So i re-did the makeup with some new products.....
side view:

front view:

diff lighting:

close-up of eye:
yup i still don't look exactly like a 'japanese girl that is trying to look like a california girl'
lol.....the makeup took FOREVER but it was quite fun to do......and it fuels my vanity xP
LOL~! The gyaru gurus pretty much told you to wear much more make-up. XD Nice. haha. I don't think I'd have what it takes to be a gyaru. :/ I'm just not very good in the make-up department. Though on the other hand, your second attempt...or at least I think it was, totally matches their PS-ed pic of you for the eyes. XD does look good! I would try, if I I totally didn't fail at it. :/
lol.....i know. I was all 'the camera ate away all my makeup'..... cuz i look like i have a ton more on in real life......and the gyaru guru's like "don't blame the camera" lol.....xD
makeup is a lot of fun..... i can see why the japanese girls love it so just feeds your vanity more n more......tho i can't imagine doing this every single day D: You should try sometime too! Maybe your eye-shape/ face would suit this style better than mine
Next time...... i wanna dye my hair blonde!
What a fun post =D
Although what the hck is a gyaru?
hehe! I like the original Z pic the best. I think the photoshopped version looks like a creepy dreamy doll. eep. Your makeup rendition looks much better than the photoshopped rendition! You should write what you used to do the look... I'm curious.
Fun fun fun. I wish we were closer... we could have make up fun together... I tried on some Make Up For Ever lipstick, and it was awesomely pigmented, but then I realized that I hate wearing lipstick. haha.
Oh, and what new products!!! You got new stuff? You went to sephora?!?!?!? I got some MUFE false eyelashes--- the ones that come in single peices. Such a PAIN to apply. I need strips. yes.
gyaru is a japanese subculture where rebellious teens tried to dress like californian blonde bimbos..... It started with fake tans, blonde hair and making their eyes/ nose as western looking as possible with makeup and associated with being sexy/wild. Although recently that trend is more mainstream and the makeup has gone lighter/ more natural...... here's some magazine pics:
I just got a bunch of cheap products from CVS (while i was getting more false lashes xP) cuz I didn't think i'd actually wear that look out...... more for just personal entertainment..... lol. But I'm in love with the nude lipstick! It's really cool!!!
Ahhhh..... i wish you lived closer too! It would be fun painting each others faces......and you could teach me eyeshadow!
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