Some other stuff I got:
I looove the grey short sleeved sweatshirt a lot too! I wore it like 3 times last week!! And the pale jean jacket <333 The shoes look nice on my feet, I wanted something dressier for my leather leggings, and dresses etc. lol...... can you believe it was 75% off?? I was so surprised.
And of course 2 neutral nail polishes. One is the 'I need space' by OPI, I put it on my feet cuz its paler and looks nice. The other is Sally Hansen's 'cafe au lait'. It's darker and pinker and looks more natural on my hands xP Except I wanted a more beige colour and both turned out with pink undertones.
Also I went to Daiso to replenish my fake eyelashes and grabbed some other randoms like clear plastic umbrella (so I can pretend I'm in Tokyo on rainy days) and fake tattoos. The fakes actually turned out pretty good, quite excited about them! I also almost got bowls with eggplants on it, but then got scared by the warning in their store saying items may contain lead/cadmium/ other chemicals known to cause cancer and birth defects...... I got regular bowls at Wal-mart. lol
And last thing I want to mention is our lab has weekly volleyball games on Friday. This week it was boys vs girls. First we only had 3 girls vs 4 guys and we won. Then this really good player that's a girl joined us and out of 5 games we won 4! They got the ball stuck in the tree, otherwise we would've won a 5th game xP Also everybody was saying how I play well and serve well and stuff. O_o DUDE, I've NEVER been good at sports in my life! But maybe it's cuz everybody in my lab is Asian too. AND karaoke next week!!! My lab is already amazed at my Chinese/volleyball/health knowledge prow-ess. I shall now show em some Japanese/Korean xD

I thought more pics would be nice, since i get bored by long text too xD. Anyways, one is my face, and my 'lighter' makeup. It's my new day-look! The other is feet with some added features xD Hopefully I don't need to say which is which.
Ooo! Big "haul" as the young folks nowadays say... haha! Looks like a lot of good stuff =P I like the colors of everything. I need space is very pretty---- I like! I like! Is that a tattoo on your foot? Also, you didn't mention the makeup brushes I see--- where did you get them from? I can't read the handles. I'm very keen on brushes you know =P I actually bought some too recently..... and should write about them... sometime... it's in my list of things to do! Oh, and finally, yay for day makeup. Sometimes I think I wear non-day makeup during the day. Maybe it's just me trying to be like Kim Kardashian again....
haul eh? lol..... yeah i've heard that term in the forums.
Yay I'm glad you like the colours! I'm really into gray/beige these days. On everything! lips to nails to clothing to hair. LOL I'm gonna turn into a beige monster soon
Also did you know that recently fake eyelashes are in? Hence Sephora's huge promotions xD
I just got drugstore brushes cuz I wanted to use one for light colors and one for dark. I'm waiting for your review tho!
And yeah! That's the fake tattoo thing I bought. Wonder how long it'll take to peel off..... and where next to place one (back of neck, wrist, behind ear, hips, collarbones..... ahh so many options xP)
YOu should use the term "greige" it's grey and beige combined! Hehe. Let me know how you brushes work out =D
I like the fake tattoo!! I want some! let me know how long they last.
YAY clear umbrella. I was going to buy one too! They had some on urban's website but were so overpriced. I need a cool asian market to get one at. <33
And the clothes/shoes are cute. WHEEE pretty!! i miss shopping :P
I still need summer shoes with heels that's wearable. Now THAT's hard to find !!
My umbrella is only $1.50! Can't wait til it rains xD I would send you one but it's too big to fit in the
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