Friday, August 13, 2010

Monster monster high~

Look at my new addiction! I clicked on the ad on youtube..... and BAM. Monster High It's actually......quite good..... xD I watched all of the episodes already..... they're pretty entertaining and super short so keeps my ADD in check. I also registered on their website and did the 'which one are you' quiz. I'm Frankie I feel like I'm regressing into my teens now...... But it really is pretty cool. They even have a vegan vampire. And the clothes drawing looks so unmatching and reminds me of japanese teen fashion (the ugly kind i dun like xD).

They made the kids look uglier with makeup tho..... and they looked so much chunkier than they looked in the behind the's that possible :O They should fire the fashion consultant! The blonde girl also looked soooo much like lady tiny form. lol

Other things that caught my eye were: k-town, the asian Jersey Shore-ish reality show. I love the outfits on both ends. Especially the platinum blonde..... she wears falsies! lol....her whole look reminds me of a Korean-American gyaru. And the guy on the left, skinny jeans + funky sneakers (and fedora), I approve. There's also some guy from the promo vid that looks like a mobster, a soft porn musclebuilder and an ex-stripper/hooker (doing it for self-empowerment no less). LOL quite the variety huh......

And then I thought of that guy that told me about Ktown and said I should audition....... what does THAT mean?? (maybe i shoulda said "nah, you give off a more pornstar feel, you should go") xDDD

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