Monday, June 6, 2011

Fresh start!

I didn't realize I hadn't posted in 6 months!! Wow!!!

Anyways.... so this weekend I had a great reunion with many wonderful friends :)

And the glee concert was amazing! Well of course there were bits and pieces that detracted away from the experience but overall it definitely met and exceeded my expectations. Can't wait to go to more concerts..... but hopefully aimed at 'adults' next time rofl

And lastly..... I think one of the most exciting parts of this trip.... was my train home today. There were quite a lot of interesting characters on the train lol. First of all, the lady I sat next to, was like 70+ and surprisingly we had a lot to chat about. From our common fear of flight.... and analyzing why they don't have parachutes for us all, to how California is not a safe place to live and I should move asap because of the imminent earthquake. And then we studied the safety instructions for the train and where the emergency exits are located and how to open them. ROFL So my inner age is 70+..... I think once ppl get older they worry about more and more until it finally weighs them down. And lucky me that I'm like this since the start lol

The second interesting lady was dressed impeccably and very slender and tall. Like she stepped out of a French aristocratic catalogue complete with floppy hat and everything. And then she offered me some graham crackers (to go with my rice she says). And as I declined, she offered my 70 yo friend some too. And as we both refused she said she will feed the crackers to some sparrows for me then. And the 70 yo mentioned she had sparrows on her evergreens or something.... and the lady asked "do you know why evergreens are ever green?" And went on some long story about how a mother bird and baby bird needed to make a nest but kept getting kicked off of trees. And they kept asking and the trees kept saying no until they met the evergreen that said yes and kept all its leaves green year round for the birds to nest.

And then I realized I finally have no more But yes she was very interesting and kept talking about God and the bible to everyone around us and saying things like "where do you hide your wings? Because you are my angel" etc. hmmmmm.... And I didn't realize how many ppl are actually Christian here because you would never be able to tell with many of these 'American' values. But I should not judge and leave the judging to God :)


Dovey said...

LOL. You are an old lady. I'm glad you enjoyed the glee concert =) and met some nice old ladies on the way back! I'm surprised you thought there weren't a lot of Christians out there. Most of America is Christian, in fact America is thought to be a rather religious an right-leaning nation when compared to other comparably developed countries. You can see that our politics is deeply tied with religion (despite the ideal of freedom of choice). Even Kennedy being Catholic made a huge splash! And let's not even get started about the whole Obama being Muslim because his middle name is Hussein thing. lol.

ZZ said...

I guess I didn't know the percentage was that high though. And also it doesn't seem that the social problems get any better just because there's more 'Christians'..... and moral values as well..... orz

Dovey said...

We should probably look up the numbers--- I remember hearing about it long ago, but I don't remember where =P. It would be interesting to see the breakdown by sect as well, since certain denominations are more popular in different areas of the US. I don't think social problems would get better because there are more Christians or religions or whatever. Even if religion may improve some people, humans still have human nature. That's original sin, after all, if we're talking biblical terms. I think it's also unfair to assume that kindess, morality, and social consciousness belong to any one religion. I think those characteristics are universal and what makes us human!

ponyo said...

yay!! i'm glad you revived your blog. (i'm a little slow) that is so cute about becoming friends w/the 70 year old woman, hehe. the glee concert was good, i agree, but there were toooooooooooo many parts that made me ANGRY. plus i think i got my current virus from one of those screaming high school girls behind me, which only adds to it ... >:O