La Roche Posay's Effaclear H, and quoting the salesgirl it's a 'shaving cream' consistency. lol..... and it feels pretty cool all over my face!
The second one is Vichy's toner for acne prone skin (that is supposed to reduce pores but i don't know how effective it is). It is also supposedly alcohol free but the ingredients lists denatured alcohol and I have no idea what that is.....
Both come from lines for acne/ combination skin, La Roche Posay is supposed to be formulated by dermatologists. I was originally gonna get both things from one line but the store was out of the toner for the first brand and I really wanted to try the foamy face wash. And the second one..... well I mostly did not like it because of the green-ness lol. There are many other products in this line and many people recommended it to me including the salesgirl, my cousin and my family friend.
So far I've used it for 2 days and a large pimple already dried up. (should I be worried that it's working too fast? lol) I asked my brother to try the toner too so if there's anything results I will report back
In other news I've been having fun playing this anybeats
It is like a computer DDR game. But you can upload any music you want and they will generate the arrows according to the rhythm. (of course since it is processed on the spot, it works best for songs with strong beats and singing right on the beats) I really want to buy a DDR mat now and connect it to my laptop..... it'll be great exercise! My mom actually suggested I get DDR before but I said no because I get tired of the songs too easily..... well with this, I can have an infinite amount of new songs and my favs!!
DDR is so hard. We have a DDR type game for the Wii, but I rarely play it and I get tired after like 2 songs on easy level... lol.
As for the face stuffs, yayyy!! I hope they work. It sounds like it's working. Perhaps it is on the drying side so it dries out the acne? I think this is a common methodology for acne treatment, does it have salicylic acid in it? If it works and doesn't cause more, that's great!!!! I think drying doesn't work for me, sometimes it exacerbates my skin instead, eeps. For me, switching from a harsher neutrogena acne wash to a more mild wash actually helped!
lol well I fail at DDR, but since my mom wants me to get more exercise.... xD
yeah the toner has salicylic acid in it, and I only used it once a day and it dried out the acne..... That's why I was kind of scared to use the full line of the green ones because it sounds like it's pretty harsh for the skin.....
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