So last night I met this girl that's a roommate of my friend. And she's very interesting..... lol I think this is the 'new breed' of mainland Chinese I've been expecting.
She said she's wanted to do something related to fashion design or art for a career but her parents (profs) didn't think it was a good career option and then she got interested in medicine and went to medical school instead. And then she did rotations in gynecology and surgery but she was very angry at gynecology (retarded bfs of girls needing her help?) and liked surgery but her parents told her girls in surgery isn't 'good' for future family etc so she quit and came here to do international health policy. LOL, I really admire that she's got balls to go after all that.
And she likes making friends with ppl from all cultures/ nationalities...... <- I guess these are the type who are 'naturaly' good with ppl. She's never left her home city prior to a year ago and honestly I could never tell that.
AND the most 'heretic' thing she proclaimed is that 'she loves japan'. I'm pretty sure my parents would denounce me if I said that. (And also I don't think that) But yeah.... she makes things I've struggled with seem so easy lol
Anyways, I may have lost my iphone somewhere, kinda sad..... hopefully i'll find it :O
Monday, August 15, 2011
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Recently I met up with some guy from a dating site..... I dunno.... I guess talking through Internet is very diff than in person? But yeah I dun think we have that much in common. Although a good thing is it re validates qualities I'm looking for?
And for some reason it's been painful for me to look at stuff / emails from like 2 years ago.... Cuz I feel like I've been wasting lots of time and wish could go back in time to slap some sense into myself..... Then again regret gets nobody anywhere.... So should try to do better now and not have more regrets in the future.... Sigh
And for some reason it's been painful for me to look at stuff / emails from like 2 years ago.... Cuz I feel like I've been wasting lots of time and wish could go back in time to slap some sense into myself..... Then again regret gets nobody anywhere.... So should try to do better now and not have more regrets in the future.... Sigh
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
I am kind of sad today..... I mean I get the feeling too from everyday life..... But how it's permeated everything is just annoying..... It's about I guess the 1.5 generation of immigrants..... Sometimes I wish I didn't know that much about either culture cuz when I talk to full cultured ppl on both sides they find faults with my thoughts what I'm saying or think I don't know enough about things that are very common for them....
And this is a pretty important factor for me with trying to find a guy too. Because I honestly think the super Americanized ones or the super Chinese-ified (is this a word?) don't agree with my world views. And the reason today pushed me off the edge is because I check this one forum sometimes.... To learn Chinese and see how the youth talks. And I posted something about Chinese culture on there that I found fascinating and thought they would too to make a nice discussion. And that forum can be hostile sometimes (cuz netizens, right). But I really try to filter my words when I talk there.... But still they didn't find my Chinese satisfactory and my insight wasn't deep enough for them (very basic knowledge they say). Even tho my parents and the other Chinese ppl around me don't know either. Maybe it's wrong for me to be so interested in Asian culture or at least try to interact with ppl in china..... But is it so wrong to want to learn about your roots and face hostility from both sides?
And this is a pretty important factor for me with trying to find a guy too. Because I honestly think the super Americanized ones or the super Chinese-ified (is this a word?) don't agree with my world views. And the reason today pushed me off the edge is because I check this one forum sometimes.... To learn Chinese and see how the youth talks. And I posted something about Chinese culture on there that I found fascinating and thought they would too to make a nice discussion. And that forum can be hostile sometimes (cuz netizens, right). But I really try to filter my words when I talk there.... But still they didn't find my Chinese satisfactory and my insight wasn't deep enough for them (very basic knowledge they say). Even tho my parents and the other Chinese ppl around me don't know either. Maybe it's wrong for me to be so interested in Asian culture or at least try to interact with ppl in china..... But is it so wrong to want to learn about your roots and face hostility from both sides?
= =
Soooo.... today I was on the bus..... there's tons of hs kids and it seems elementary school kids too here for summer camp. They are soooo cute!! And 2 boys were playing rock paper scissors but saying 'pikachu' the whole time..... kyaaaa
Actually..... that wasn't the point.... the actual reason for this blog is the two camp counselors who looked pretty young.... maybe around 20? one guy and one girl. And the guy was asking the girl about makeup? And the girl was saying how she doesn't wear any except mascara and blush or something. And then the guy was like "what's mascara used for?" and "do you just lift it?"
And then the girl was talking about eyeliner and how some ppl use it to line the top and bottom and the guy's like "you can line the bottom?" and the girl responds "yeah but I only do the top"
And the guy asked about "the sides" too for eyeliner..... I was just being so utterly amused at their conversation.... and how curious the guy is about makeup...... so guys really don't know anything about this?? I thought it was common knowledge O_O
Actually..... that wasn't the point.... the actual reason for this blog is the two camp counselors who looked pretty young.... maybe around 20? one guy and one girl. And the guy was asking the girl about makeup? And the girl was saying how she doesn't wear any except mascara and blush or something. And then the guy was like "what's mascara used for?" and "do you just lift it?"
And then the girl was talking about eyeliner and how some ppl use it to line the top and bottom and the guy's like "you can line the bottom?" and the girl responds "yeah but I only do the top"
And the guy asked about "the sides" too for eyeliner..... I was just being so utterly amused at their conversation.... and how curious the guy is about makeup...... so guys really don't know anything about this?? I thought it was common knowledge O_O
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
= =
Haven't been here for a while.....
Anyways yesterday I met up with another old friend....who might be moving here with her husband! Yay!
They had interviews one in SF and one in San Jose..... and they were gonna stay in SF and then her husband drive her over early in the morning..... but then we decided that she was staying with me and I drive her cuz she doesn't like driving esp highways....O_O
He is so nice to her tho! So concerned for her and protective of her! lol
Unfortunately we also got a ticket parking..... but other than that I'm a pretty decent driver even without much sleep xD
and then we wandered around Japantown....but I think I'm finally over Japanese culture.... it's pretty kooky and crazy but not enough to hold my attention span anymore xDD (ok so maybe I still watch some shows)
AND the main reason I wanted to go with her was to check out Lush!!! Except we didn't have a chance to pass I'll have to make another trip soon. I need to make a list of what I want to get far I wanna try out the shampoo and conditioner bars.... and maybe something for the face.....
Haven't been here for a while.....
Anyways yesterday I met up with another old friend....who might be moving here with her husband! Yay!
They had interviews one in SF and one in San Jose..... and they were gonna stay in SF and then her husband drive her over early in the morning..... but then we decided that she was staying with me and I drive her cuz she doesn't like driving esp highways....O_O
He is so nice to her tho! So concerned for her and protective of her! lol
Unfortunately we also got a ticket parking..... but other than that I'm a pretty decent driver even without much sleep xD
and then we wandered around Japantown....but I think I'm finally over Japanese culture.... it's pretty kooky and crazy but not enough to hold my attention span anymore xDD (ok so maybe I still watch some shows)
AND the main reason I wanted to go with her was to check out Lush!!! Except we didn't have a chance to pass I'll have to make another trip soon. I need to make a list of what I want to get far I wanna try out the shampoo and conditioner bars.... and maybe something for the face.....
Saturday, July 2, 2011
My dad gives wonderful advice about everything! Including love xDDD I love him soooo much!!!!
And yeah.... it's time to throw all those romance novels out the window because everything I 'thought' I'd learned from them.... well I still can't take it in real life and it's completely different. I still can't look at everything objectively.....
Also I might never find a guy for me....hurrah!
And yeah.... it's time to throw all those romance novels out the window because everything I 'thought' I'd learned from them.... well I still can't take it in real life and it's completely different. I still can't look at everything objectively.....
Also I might never find a guy for me....hurrah!
Friday, July 1, 2011
more randomness!
Hello everyone! Yesterday I was soooo excited cuz I finally received my DDR dance pad that I ordered. I had the idea ever since I saw this site: anybeats where you put in any song and then play an automated DDR-esque game. So I did run into some technical issues but searched online and found the solution and *actually* got the pad connected with the keyboard and everything! Soooo so proud of myself xD And now I'll have fun exercising time (at least until the pad breaks....)
The other thing I wanted to say was that there is this Chinese tv series that is very big and very very anticipated called 步步惊心. Anyways the name doesn't matter, the storyline is part of what's called chuan yue or 'fall through a time warp' genre. This plot seems to be very very popular, I've seen it in many of theBL stories I read, and also in many of the more normal romance novels as well. And the funny thing is that when I was like 12 I used to fantasize about this sort of stuff.... sooo they are kinda late xD So the story starts off 'X is a normal everyday office worker. She had a few bfs but they didn't end up anywhere, she has a job that she neither loves nor hates but needs to work to earn money that feeds her spending habit and thus spends her energy climbing up the corporate ladder but still so lonely....' <- this is a very very sad state for China if this is meant to be a portrait of 'every (wo)man'
Anyways.... the main point of mentioning this show is that this one theme music here song ..... Does the beginning sound familiar yet? (ok not to Steph.....maybe to Here is a comparison of the parts that sound the same compare Soooo..... what do you think? (apparently it doesn't technically infringe on music copyright laws but they're gonna change it anyways) wheee I am kind of proud someone wants to copy his song xD And I just think the chinese fans are crazy and amazing at the same time for noticing and complaining til they changed in the land of copyright infringements.... but it's good that they're more aware!
The other thing I wanted to say was that there is this Chinese tv series that is very big and very very anticipated called 步步惊心. Anyways the name doesn't matter, the storyline is part of what's called chuan yue or 'fall through a time warp' genre. This plot seems to be very very popular, I've seen it in many of the
Anyways.... the main point of mentioning this show is that this one theme music here song ..... Does the beginning sound familiar yet? (ok not to Steph.....maybe to Here is a comparison of the parts that sound the same compare Soooo..... what do you think? (apparently it doesn't technically infringe on music copyright laws but they're gonna change it anyways) wheee I am kind of proud someone wants to copy his song xD And I just think the chinese fans are crazy and amazing at the same time for noticing and complaining til they changed in the land of copyright infringements.... but it's good that they're more aware!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
So I was all excited all last night and then some more this morning xDDD
fcwr or 非诚勿扰 or 'the chinese dating show' is opening applications for a special US episode! I got hooked on the show, as I said before, ever since I went to China earlier this year, more accurately me and WonRon got freaking hooked! It is very hilarious and I'm a big fan of it so I totally want to apply! And of course if they want you on the show they'll fly you all the way to China! Nanjiing!!
Soooo yeah..... that is all..... I still have so much energy that I'm bouncing off the walls right now xDDD I really hope I can get selected! It'll be so amazing!! And then I'll get my own 5 minutes of fame.....rofl
soooo..... Grace and Debra should totally apply too (tho Grace is not single?)
fcwr or 非诚勿扰 or 'the chinese dating show' is opening applications for a special US episode! I got hooked on the show, as I said before, ever since I went to China earlier this year, more accurately me and WonRon got freaking hooked! It is very hilarious and I'm a big fan of it so I totally want to apply! And of course if they want you on the show they'll fly you all the way to China! Nanjiing!!
Soooo yeah..... that is all..... I still have so much energy that I'm bouncing off the walls right now xDDD I really hope I can get selected! It'll be so amazing!! And then I'll get my own 5 minutes of fame.....rofl
soooo..... Grace and Debra should totally apply too (tho Grace is not single?)
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
what's new
So as I mentioned before.... I have two new facial products!

La Roche Posay's Effaclear H, and quoting the salesgirl it's a 'shaving cream' consistency. lol..... and it feels pretty cool all over my face!
The second one is Vichy's toner for acne prone skin (that is supposed to reduce pores but i don't know how effective it is). It is also supposedly alcohol free but the ingredients lists denatured alcohol and I have no idea what that is.....
Both come from lines for acne/ combination skin, La Roche Posay is supposed to be formulated by dermatologists. I was originally gonna get both things from one line but the store was out of the toner for the first brand and I really wanted to try the foamy face wash. And the second one..... well I mostly did not like it because of the green-ness lol. There are many other products in this line and many people recommended it to me including the salesgirl, my cousin and my family friend.
So far I've used it for 2 days and a large pimple already dried up. (should I be worried that it's working too fast? lol) I asked my brother to try the toner too so if there's anything results I will report back
In other news I've been having fun playing this anybeats
It is like a computer DDR game. But you can upload any music you want and they will generate the arrows according to the rhythm. (of course since it is processed on the spot, it works best for songs with strong beats and singing right on the beats) I really want to buy a DDR mat now and connect it to my laptop..... it'll be great exercise! My mom actually suggested I get DDR before but I said no because I get tired of the songs too easily..... well with this, I can have an infinite amount of new songs and my favs!!
La Roche Posay's Effaclear H, and quoting the salesgirl it's a 'shaving cream' consistency. lol..... and it feels pretty cool all over my face!
The second one is Vichy's toner for acne prone skin (that is supposed to reduce pores but i don't know how effective it is). It is also supposedly alcohol free but the ingredients lists denatured alcohol and I have no idea what that is.....
Both come from lines for acne/ combination skin, La Roche Posay is supposed to be formulated by dermatologists. I was originally gonna get both things from one line but the store was out of the toner for the first brand and I really wanted to try the foamy face wash. And the second one..... well I mostly did not like it because of the green-ness lol. There are many other products in this line and many people recommended it to me including the salesgirl, my cousin and my family friend.
So far I've used it for 2 days and a large pimple already dried up. (should I be worried that it's working too fast? lol) I asked my brother to try the toner too so if there's anything results I will report back
In other news I've been having fun playing this anybeats
It is like a computer DDR game. But you can upload any music you want and they will generate the arrows according to the rhythm. (of course since it is processed on the spot, it works best for songs with strong beats and singing right on the beats) I really want to buy a DDR mat now and connect it to my laptop..... it'll be great exercise! My mom actually suggested I get DDR before but I said no because I get tired of the songs too easily..... well with this, I can have an infinite amount of new songs and my favs!!
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Just enjoying my last few days at home XD
So im just amazed at how much 'little kids' know these days! There was a 11 yo girl who pretty much listens to the same songs I do. Like she had Taylor swift, lady gaga and Katy perry CDs. And then my 9 almost 10 yo cousin talking about drugs and testing out of high school.... Actually all that is fine but I remember hearing a5 yo talking about this too at the foodcourt. So pop music is the great equalizer huh? But I still feel kind of strange that my interests are the same as these kids XD
Also has anyone heard of angry birds?? My brother is so into all these random trends and I can't keep up at all... And he probably thinks I'm old lol
And finally... I finally got some skin care products from Canada! I'm not sure how well it'll work but Canada seems to like French brands :P. And I'm not too sure mixing two brands will be good..... But I'm still excited to try..... ESP the foamy cleanser!
So im just amazed at how much 'little kids' know these days! There was a 11 yo girl who pretty much listens to the same songs I do. Like she had Taylor swift, lady gaga and Katy perry CDs. And then my 9 almost 10 yo cousin talking about drugs and testing out of high school.... Actually all that is fine but I remember hearing a5 yo talking about this too at the foodcourt. So pop music is the great equalizer huh? But I still feel kind of strange that my interests are the same as these kids XD
Also has anyone heard of angry birds?? My brother is so into all these random trends and I can't keep up at all... And he probably thinks I'm old lol
And finally... I finally got some skin care products from Canada! I'm not sure how well it'll work but Canada seems to like French brands :P. And I'm not too sure mixing two brands will be good..... But I'm still excited to try..... ESP the foamy cleanser!
Monday, June 6, 2011
Fresh start!
I didn't realize I hadn't posted in 6 months!! Wow!!!
Anyways.... so this weekend I had a great reunion with many wonderful friends :)
And the glee concert was amazing! Well of course there were bits and pieces that detracted away from the experience but overall it definitely met and exceeded my expectations. Can't wait to go to more concerts..... but hopefully aimed at 'adults' next time rofl
And lastly..... I think one of the most exciting parts of this trip.... was my train home today. There were quite a lot of interesting characters on the train lol. First of all, the lady I sat next to, was like 70+ and surprisingly we had a lot to chat about. From our common fear of flight.... and analyzing why they don't have parachutes for us all, to how California is not a safe place to live and I should move asap because of the imminent earthquake. And then we studied the safety instructions for the train and where the emergency exits are located and how to open them. ROFL So my inner age is 70+..... I think once ppl get older they worry about more and more until it finally weighs them down. And lucky me that I'm like this since the start lol
The second interesting lady was dressed impeccably and very slender and tall. Like she stepped out of a French aristocratic catalogue complete with floppy hat and everything. And then she offered me some graham crackers (to go with my rice she says). And as I declined, she offered my 70 yo friend some too. And as we both refused she said she will feed the crackers to some sparrows for me then. And the 70 yo mentioned she had sparrows on her evergreens or something.... and the lady asked "do you know why evergreens are ever green?" And went on some long story about how a mother bird and baby bird needed to make a nest but kept getting kicked off of trees. And they kept asking and the trees kept saying no until they met the evergreen that said yes and kept all its leaves green year round for the birds to nest.
And then I realized I finally have no more But yes she was very interesting and kept talking about God and the bible to everyone around us and saying things like "where do you hide your wings? Because you are my angel" etc. hmmmmm.... And I didn't realize how many ppl are actually Christian here because you would never be able to tell with many of these 'American' values. But I should not judge and leave the judging to God :)
Anyways.... so this weekend I had a great reunion with many wonderful friends :)
And the glee concert was amazing! Well of course there were bits and pieces that detracted away from the experience but overall it definitely met and exceeded my expectations. Can't wait to go to more concerts..... but hopefully aimed at 'adults' next time rofl
And lastly..... I think one of the most exciting parts of this trip.... was my train home today. There were quite a lot of interesting characters on the train lol. First of all, the lady I sat next to, was like 70+ and surprisingly we had a lot to chat about. From our common fear of flight.... and analyzing why they don't have parachutes for us all, to how California is not a safe place to live and I should move asap because of the imminent earthquake. And then we studied the safety instructions for the train and where the emergency exits are located and how to open them. ROFL So my inner age is 70+..... I think once ppl get older they worry about more and more until it finally weighs them down. And lucky me that I'm like this since the start lol
The second interesting lady was dressed impeccably and very slender and tall. Like she stepped out of a French aristocratic catalogue complete with floppy hat and everything. And then she offered me some graham crackers (to go with my rice she says). And as I declined, she offered my 70 yo friend some too. And as we both refused she said she will feed the crackers to some sparrows for me then. And the 70 yo mentioned she had sparrows on her evergreens or something.... and the lady asked "do you know why evergreens are ever green?" And went on some long story about how a mother bird and baby bird needed to make a nest but kept getting kicked off of trees. And they kept asking and the trees kept saying no until they met the evergreen that said yes and kept all its leaves green year round for the birds to nest.
And then I realized I finally have no more But yes she was very interesting and kept talking about God and the bible to everyone around us and saying things like "where do you hide your wings? Because you are my angel" etc. hmmmmm.... And I didn't realize how many ppl are actually Christian here because you would never be able to tell with many of these 'American' values. But I should not judge and leave the judging to God :)
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