Monday, June 28, 2010

had a lot happen. Went to LA. Went to Monterey.

Well here are some monterey pics (putting these here cuz who knows what my mom's reaction will be......)

My eyes are blue if you look closely.......(is that a good thing?)

and yay it's the gray dress I got in LA! (not that it was any special store....... )

AND.....since i finally painted my nails (once in a blue moon occasion) Hopefully Steph will enjoy this.....recognize the colours? xP


Dovey said...

Oooo!!! Fun Pictures!!!!! I love pictures.... especially of cute girls =P jkjkjkjk.

I really like your gray dress, but I like the sky blue cardigan even better!!!! Drool. Want want want.

Oh, and I was super super super excited about the nail polish pics! You have a very nice nail shape by the way--- after looking at nail polish blogs for a while, you realize how varied and strange peoples nails can be, haha. Oh, I'm not sure about the colors, although they're quite pretty!! You'll have to give me a hint---- like what brand?

If it was stuff in my collection, your toes would probably be blue grotto and the fingers look sheer like it's a girl.... Hmmm.... challenging!

Hints please!!

Dovey said...

oh! and did you get blue contacts? Or is it just the camera??

ZZ said...

hehehe......thanks :)

I like the dress better without leggings but it's a bit short at times xD

lol how many nail polish blogs do you look thru? And yay, my hands are kinda ugly......but at least my nails are good xDDD

You got the feet right! WOW! I actually forgot what the name of the nude colour was. It's OPI and Yuan's (Ming's roommate)

ZZ said...

oh and it's just the camera. It looks blue-er on the camera's screen.

I sorta want to get coloured contacts, but dunno which brand I can trust...... and i've NEVER worn contacts before so I'm scared :O

Dovey said...

Yayyy!!!! I was sort of right!!!!! Hheehehehehe . Color contacts are crazy!! If I were you, I'd just avoid contacts. They're not as a bad as glasses, but still not fun =P

ponyo said...

oh i agree, do NOT go with contacts. they dry out your eyes and suck. :( but when you have bad eyes, they are the only alternative to glasses for ppl whose faces don't look good w/glasses. ^^

i like the blue cardigan too! pretty color.

ZZ said...

oh i just wanted to try out those contacts for fun, tho i doubt it would make a difference on my eyes. I want pretty glasses too!

haha thanks.....that cardigan is pretty old by now. Love it nonetheless.