skip to 2:10 without makeup
3:40 to see the girl's eye after makeup get magnified like 5X (and i'm not even exaggerating....)
8:30 for finished 'products'
And then..... I have a new favourite model.....that I think is soooo damn gorgeous
I just really like the way how her bone structure looks, from near to far and every angle, it's pretty much perfect in the way it directs light. And I was all.....this has GOT to be the one model that chinese ppl think is beautiful..... but apparently they don't think this girl is pretty......orz..... I don't get what "conventional pretty" is at all to asian peeps (in asia).
I started googling her because of the above pic..... doesn't she fit the look so well??
She's very pretty with makeup as well
See what I mean about 'pretty bone structure'?? Even her profile is so beautiful. I love her nose and eyes and forehead and cheeks....and pretty much her entire face xP I'm so picky about noses...... was almost 'dying' from the ugly Japanese noses. (cuz they like BIG noses.... no matter the shape, how wide, or if it's too big for the face or not....orz)
And then I was excited to find out she was the same model I pointed out to Yuan as 'what i consider pretty' when we were shopping in H&M. (on left) ahhhh it was love at first sight xP
Oh! I just saw this model in an H&M ad and thought she was pretty too. I really like the first picture you posted, but I don't really like the rest. Your post was very interesting--- and elucidating! I think that maybe her face is an asian face that americans will like, but not asians, because she has the very "asian" looking eyes. I think chinese in asia prefer rounder more western looking eyes.
However, I had a major ROFL moment when you were saying how you didn't like big noses. Because the first thing when I saw her face was "omg why did she make her nose that big????" LOL LOL LOL.
I also have a feeling that you really like this model's face because it has many elements of your face shape in it. (And studies show we generally prefer people that look like ourselves). Her face is pretty square(despite being super skinny you can see a lot of cheek). Also, here eyes are really similar in shape to your eyes--- the long thin asian eye look (that I think Americans like). When I saw the second picture you posted, I was like wow! That reminds me a lot of Z's face. Seriously.
My only complaint is... it looks like she definitely had some obvious plastic surgery done, to a point where it's pretty, but a little unnatural. Ex. the nose is way way way way unnatural for an asian person, and here eyes have also been elongated inwards--- you can tell by the shape of the tear duct. Maybe it's because the skin stretched due to the nose job (which does happen), or it could be she got that eye surgery that opens up the eye more. I probably complain about surgery type stuff too much, considering it's a given for all celebrities,--- but it's because I think it gives normal people like me unreasonable expectations and hence lower self esteem. I really think she would have been really pretty even without all that stuff. =)
ok, as if i didn't write enough already--- I was thinking... the first face looks so familiar--- almost exactly like one of my aunts when she was younger! omg!
Do you think this model is also the face of Estee Lauder's Spring 2011 collection? the nose looks really familiar, but I could be wrong. see below. The collection, btw looks awesome.
yeah! She is really pretty
But it's funny you don't like the other pics.....i guess we all have our own tastes.
I'd surprised if she got plastic surgery cuz I thought models usually don't do it at all..... (but then again maybe you can tell more than me)
She does have a tall nose for an Asian.....but it still looks elegant enough and proportionate. I probably need to show you the really exaggerated ones so you'll know what I mean.
I agree with her face having elements of mine. It's probably why I like it so much xP But yes her face doesn't have any parts of my own face that i think is ugly xPP
I believe the Estee Lauder is another model called Liu Wen. I don't think she's as pretty as this girl. But apparently she's labeled as ugly in China?? (which obviously i don't agree with)
Omg, her cheekbones are to die for...They are perfect!
I also saw this ad in Shanghai and thought the models look super pretty.
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