Anyways I saw this pic and thought the girl was very pretty

Then i realized it was Naga-something Masami O_O wow.....but she looks good with short hair..... Or that i just majorly prefer bangs look with non bangs look? Even on guys??
Speaking of which.....i really want to cut my hair again.....i know i wanted to grow it longer but it's always the middle where it looks terrible and i don't know if I can even look good with long hair since it's so thin D:
Also I've been craving pasta..... T_T
aha! I thought that girl looked like something Japanese people would like, even before I saw what you wrote!! HEHE.
You should try growing your hair! I know the middle length is really blah, but once it gets long it'll be better! Besides, you can't really have long hair when you're older, so this is kind of our "last chance". I read an article about this on NYTimes. Although, long hair is a pain to take care of... I have really really thin hair too, but I suppose at least mine is really curly/wavy/whatever. But that's more of a pain. So yes, grow your hair! Maybe buy a different shampoo for thin hair? I think they kind of work to lift the hair root so it looks like you have more hair!
Lol yeah it's so easy to tell what country they're from even if most Asians look similar w/o makeup.
Yeah I decided to let it grow more,it's not that bad... I just need to lift the roots. Should I perm it a bit? Does it work?
I went to help Ming with her wedding photos today. She got her hair/makeup done. Tho I think I could've done a better job on the makeup XP. It was crazy tho I love her hair made up. So pretty!
Reading doveys comment....oh no. you can't really have long hair when youre older? Well I guess that makes sense. Too bad I'm kinda addicted to getting my hair cut. I think you should grow it out and then if you don't like it you can cut it! :p
Holy crap salami doesn't look so bad anymore. I think it def is the hair and makeup and lighting though:p I also agree about preferring bangs on people! Prob because i look much better with them. I remember when I was younger and didn't want bangs...must have been in my rebellious/delirious stage.
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