Thursday, October 7, 2010

you better lose yourself in the music, the moment you own it

i keep hearing ppl mention eminem and 'lose yourself'. I thought I didn't know the song at all....but turns out i HAVE heard of it before. I actually like it, but dunno how i'd feel karaoke-ing to it.

yeah i met up with this guy a friend set us up together with.....and he's just. I dunno ok? Like conversation flows pretty freely.....he's not bad looking.... maybe a bit too nerdy? Not nerdy..... i can't explain.....otaku??

I'm just kinda depressed thinking that maybe this IS the pool i should be selecting from. And I still haven't figured out why I'm not physically attracted to most ppl.... is it cuz i have insanely high standards? But my standards don't actually match the rest of the population..... or rather it's not just physically good looking but i have to like their personality/ values/ things like that. eh....

But yeah this guy mentioned eminem too and how that song is from his movie 8 mile. I totally didn't know eminem was from detroit back then or what the movie was about.... so i was quite confused when i kept seeing '8 mile' when i went home. Thought it was a coincidence or that every metro had a 8 mile or

I kinda wanna watch that movie now.... wonder who will want to watch with me?

PS. i'm pretty convinced the really cute guy is dead to me. His asian-philia is sorta creeping me out. But i'm still sorta addicted to fb stalking him. Apparently he has a friend that he must've met her while she was in hs..... and her facebook profile likes was so familiar: kat-tun, nobuta, my boss my hero, yamanade, yamapi, etc etc.....rofl


Limwaiyee said...

In general, I have the same problem. I'm just not really attracted to most people I meet. :/ And I've really ever only been attracted to one, and sadly, he's younger than me. DX

Lose yourself. XD I wouldn't have known what you were talking about, since I don't listen to eminem at all! But...I just know Jin rapped it with Nakamaru beat-boxing at his Zepp Tokyo concert. XD

ponyo said...

Haha the only reason why I know Lose Yourself is because it was from high school when I was on top of those kinds of things! it was funny, I was on a school trip to Spain and I think we watched it in Spain with Spanish subtitles. LOL. And then our really REALLY GORGEOUS tour guide proceeded to put his hoodie over his head and try to walk like eminem =D

i would watch it with you again if i was in cali! i miss you!

that's funny about the cute guy's friend who is into jdoramas.

as for boys... i feel like you never really know when it'll happen. and you are still young! so don't fret. although so many people i know are getting engaged and married ... it freaks me out a little because i am nowhere near that step or even thinking about it (though i want to before i'm 30? ok scary part is... it's not *that* far away. i feel old now).

ZZ said...

@ k-chan yeah attractive ppl are hard to find -_-;;
lol yes, that con repo is another place i heard of lose yourself recently

@ ponyo
I'm so sad we can't hang out D: Maybe we should try to sometime, haha

ooooh you watched 8 mile in spanish? I like hoodies :) Especially gray slightly fitted ones. Preferably under a jacket of some type xP

btw i saw the 1st guy again, in a large group setting. I just can't..... now when i talk to him i feel a bit repulsed D: I can't keep doing this to every guy i interact with >:O

Limwaiyee said...

I don't want to sound creeper at all~ But I think I found you on facebook. XD You commented on the NY Yellow Gold tour note. XD

ZZ said...

lol that's probably me, add me :)

Limwaiyee said...

haha~ I figured I'd ask first, before you thought I was stalking you, cuz that'd be creepy. :/