I will post pics up later. Including some of the stuff I got on Sunday with my mom. xP
*hi this is later*
First up are the sweaters/shirts from Sunday. All from GAP (I love that store) I really like the sweaters cuz they're big n hide my stomache xP Too bad they're v-necks tho..... I really like the one in eggplant purple.... but my mom made me get the other neutral stripes as well
From today, I'm SUPER proud of the hat. I was obsessed with getting one to the point of dreaming about it..... and everytime I watched anything from Asia, all I could focus on was the straw hats those girls have D: But I FINALLY found a nice style/ size, from free people. It's a cool store! The clothing reminds me a lot of gyaru style.... except the ppl that worked in it were the super girly, pretty/make-upped American ones (I think you know what kind I'm talking about?)
And exciting floral leggings :) I'll have to think carefully of what to pair with.
And formal pants/ cardigan from GAP, yay!
Tho I do think I'm overdoing the gray these days :P
But now that my hat obsession has ended, my new target is a long floral skirt O_o (ok so these obsessions never *really* end, my target just changes xD)
*edit 2* and now i got grey sunglasses and new pumps! (which i might have to exchange..... it feels kinda tight but the next half-size leaves a gap in my heel.....what to do??)
I LIKE FREE PEOPLE!!! I bought a shirt from them from buckle and i like it, except it has a little bit of lace which i'm not a fan of- but it's cute and very comfy! haha.
Z likes stripes! then again i knew that. re the v necks, i realized i have a lot more v necks in my close than i'd like so i have to be more conscious about not buying them (they look really bad on me!).
haha i am glad you finally got a hat. it seems like you've been looking for awhile!! XDDDDD im jealous theres a free people store near you though! so cool.
Wow, that's a lot of stripes!!! How funny. I never buy stripes. Not that I don't like them ... lol. I haven't been to a gap in a really long time--- but I should. I like the V-neck t-shirts you have from there. In fact, I always am looking for good V-necks, but end up with scoops which I don't like. =P
Did you know that Patrick Robinson (?) who is head designer or something of GAP likes anime?
@ ponyo
lol.... it does seems like a store you'd like xP
stripes are great! I'm glad it's still in, lol. v necks are ok, just they tend to be low and doesn't look very lab-appropriate, but I don't like layering anything under them
@ dovey
stripes are nice tho. When i got them my mom was like "congrats u can finally wear horizontal stripes again" (referring to my weight).... O_o
we need to trade clothes cuz i keep getting v-necks tho i actually want scoop necks....
GAP's new stuff is really nice.... or I'm just attracted to the clean lines. And their jacket + skinny pants look. Ahhh.... the head designer likes anime? I'm not into anime at all xP
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