just having fun with it....the color is really nice, lighter than i expected/ shows up in pics. But taking pics flattens my face even more and it looks slightly weird but i DEF have to do heavy makeup with it. Well....it IS for gyaru purposes so :)
Whaddya think?
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Yuan was telling me how she thought M was 100% Chinese while I was 100% western and she was somewhere in the middle.
LOL.....REALLY? I've never been told that I was super western or anything. I remember when I was studying in England this Chinese girl came up to me and was like "how come u feel really chinese? Not like those ABC/CBC/etc"
Maybe Yuan means that if somebody threw me into China I'd never survive cuz I don't know most of the customs/ formalisms....
I'd actually thought about living in Asia for long periods of time, but I don't know anymore. The environment and everything is different right? Even in places like Hong Kong or Singapore where they speak English, it's still so completely foreign to me.
At any rate I didn't think that M, her and me were all that different. I just think about completely whimsical things.....cuz i'm like that :)
I was talking to Yuan how all the gyaru outfits on gal-tokei (awesome website btw, it changes gyarus every minute) look so normal to me. Like what I wear everyday.... (and not like the western gyarus that are super over the top n girly n frilly n crap). Then I realized that what I wear normally has changed drastically..... this is my outfit today.....
I totally didn't think it was strange, watching Himitsu no Arashi Chan....all their model guests dresses similar....then I walked out on the street and was like....OH
Was playing around with my ipod last night. I listen to that thing WAYYYY too much. But it's pretty hard not to now. Even while working.... probably cuz I get bored programming and need something to 'get me going'. lol
So 2ne1 released their first album 'to anyone' and 3 new music videos! It's great! This is my fav song, Can't Nobody:
clap your hands is an ok song too. One thing that bothers me is that some of their members CLEARLY don't have the fierce street attitude. And she keeps snarling and growling at the camera, which is not.... no that doesn't earn you fierce points....
CL looks really hot with blonde hair.... but I'm finally over that for myself. Won't be sporting blonde hair anytime soon.....lol
In other entertainment..... I've been watching this show called Himitsu no Arashi chan a lot. It's a random show with lots of different segments. One of my favs is 'Mannequin 5'. They pick some clothing theme like 'beach date', 'red item', 'animal prints' etc and make their own outfit. Then some models n female celebs judge them and they pick a look they like (no replacement)
So it's definitely interesting seeing what japanese models/girls prefer. Cuz most of it I TOTALLY don't agree with. I like the simple, manly, clean look on guys, for sure. No pink shirts, not too much accessories (its prob the 'American' look).... Surprisingly Nino's outfits are always really nice and classy, he's just too small to look good. I also like Aiba's casual style a lot. And Matsujun can never turn it off.....like what he considers 'plain' is still like WOAH
This was a first date theme. My order is probably 3 2 5 1 4. If 1 is the left most. One of the models complained how the neck on 3's T was too high up tho. Somebody else made that mistake on another episode, but it's just like..... that's SUCH a tiny detail. Who cares. Just cuz larger necks/ v-necks were in for guys....
One more.... this is their red theme. I still like Nino's (3) best. I'm just into the fitted blazer look.....lol This is also the episode where Sho(2) debuted his 'parka on parka' or hoodie on hoodie look. LOL..... yeah he got made fun of a lot for that. And it's so famous now, ppl they interview, from all walks of life mention it! ROFL
I'm accumulating more and more 'gyaru' stuff..... so excited..... except at the same time I just don't dress girly enough to be gyaru. Eh, but whatever floral makes it into my wardrobe is still progress ;)
(haha.... i stole that pose from Yuan)
Also I've been watching so much Arashi that I'm starting to dream them! I dreamt about Ohno for some reason last night.....hahaha..... they are all so funny tho. I can't see their face and not start laughing. In fact, I can't see mannequins and not start laughing xDD Makes it hard for one to shop!
I will post pics up later. Including some of the stuff I got on Sunday with my mom. xP
*hi this is later* First up are the sweaters/shirts from Sunday. All from GAP (I love that store) I really like the sweaters cuz they're big n hide my stomache xP Too bad they're v-necks tho..... I really like the one in eggplant purple.... but my mom made me get the other neutral stripes as well
From today, I'm SUPER proud of the hat. I was obsessed with getting one to the point of dreaming about it..... and everytime I watched anything from Asia, all I could focus on was the straw hats those girls have D: But I FINALLY found a nice style/ size, from free people. It's a cool store! The clothing reminds me a lot of gyaru style.... except the ppl that worked in it were the super girly, pretty/make-upped American ones (I think you know what kind I'm talking about?) And exciting floral leggings :) I'll have to think carefully of what to pair with. And formal pants/ cardigan from GAP, yay!
Tho I do think I'm overdoing the gray these days :P But now that my hat obsession has ended, my new target is a long floral skirt O_o (ok so these obsessions never *really* end, my target just changes xD)
*edit 2* and now i got grey sunglasses and new pumps! (which i might have to exchange..... it feels kinda tight but the next half-size leaves a gap in my heel.....what to do??)
My mom! Yeah..... on Thurs she was like.....oh the plane tix are pretty cheap to cali..... and by Fri she was at my door O_O
It was a nice weekend tho, we didn't do much. I ditched her on Sat to watch a football game (making up for uhhhh MIT's lack of a good football program) and a movie. I surprisingly really enjoyed football. Alas I like lots of action everywhere! Tho I got kinda bored after a quarter and left xP The guys look a lot smaller than I thought they would..... tho they were also very far away....
And today we went shopping! She got me soooo much new clothes! Esp from GAP..... I'm still on my gray run. It's so exciting! Also what's exciting is leopard print.....rawr
xDDD I'm SOOO excited about that..... I probably would've thought it's too expensive normally. But my mom was like, as long as I like it. She also suggested I go off to live somewhere foreign (cuz apparently i've been doing that every 2 years and everytime she thinks I've matured a lot.....even if she's still not fond of Japan) Hehe..... she is awesome :) OK gotta sleep cuz I have to wake up early to send her off tmr morning. 'Nite!
by Hirahira Ayaka is an amazing song! She's also an amazing singer! I love her voice soooo much. It's like a bit husky but there's still depth and she has great range and sounds good in all those ranges!
I think that's my ideal female voice, tho I like the same things for male voices too. A bit husky, not shrill/ sharp sounding to the ears (so many asian singers sound like that to me tho), some depth but not TOO MUCH, not too feathery, not too heavy.
Yup just right xD Anyways, I rediscovered this song cuz I was watching this summary of the top 20 singles in Japan from 98-08. Surprisingly I knew more than 1/3 of that list. So yay now I have some new songs on my playlist. Actually there's a funny story for this song. Last night, I started watching a video of (Koki yay) in this year's 24 hours (annual telethon showcasing a lot of people overcoming disease and such). And it was him with this little boy (that had some disease where the bone start fusing and overgrowth) who was playing this song with an orchestra! I was pretty excited that I recognized it and was just listening to it earlier.
But then again I first heard this song on the 24 hours show too, I guess they recycle these 'inspirational' majestic-type songs.