started reading christian reviews of movies. I think the way it's going.....they will label EVERY movie as morally corrupt. uhhhhh
and for Ponyo, somebody wrote:
'There was the dad—well at first I wasn't sure if it was a dad - could have been a man or woman'
lol.....ouch..... japanese masculinity just went down the drain
'I know that the film makers in Hollywood don't think like most evangelical christians.....'
eh? hollywood had nothing to do with this movie?
Anyways, so my dilemma is about Christianity again. I do believe in God I honestly do. But Christians seem so extreme. It seems like I need to live every single second reading the bible or something. Not allowed to do anything else in my free time or I'd feel guilty about not being a 'good Christian'. And did God really create the world just so we could worship him and not do anything else? I dunno.....seems..... strange to me, I do believe he'd want us to love him, but us not doing anything else? Also a lot of the 'evidence' i hear supporting different things are very circumstantial and also how prayers work borders on mi xing.
One thing I do agree tho is the view on homosexuals. Mostly cuz I've become homophobic. Like......very. From so much that happened in real life and non- real life. I def don't think ppl were born like that like it was your ethnicity. (that times article btw is bull too...... how can that dude say that? and that his priests can be gay?) I mean first of all if it's entirely genetic then gays would die out. And I find it hard to believe they won't react to females entirely. Like sure they may have a genetic predisposition to the same sex, but the rest is all in the surroundings and their minds. And once they convince themselves and exist in that thought pattern long enough, it's hard to break out of it.
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Actually, I differ greatly on your gay viewpoints! I really hope I can change your mind ...
In fact, I am questioning your sources for this information. There is a big difference between scientific facts and religious beliefs.
I'm not sure where you got the "non-heritable" argument from, but Genetics really can explain it. Especially if it is linked to the X chromosome (ie passed down through the mother's side, --- take it from a bio major... whoever said it couldn't be heritable, was clearly had very little scientific education and did not read any research concerning this topic. What a surprise.). Lots of "diseases" work this way; although being gay is not a disease. Not to mention, genes can be imcompletely penetrant (in fact most genes are). The reason that there is not much research on this, is because the government does not want to fund this kind of research--- wonder why? Maybe something to do with the religious right... and people that believe being gay is a choice. Kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy really.
Not to mention, there is a large amount of growing evidence of homosexuality between a large number of species in the animal kingdom... and why has that kind of behavior not been selected out in the animal kingdom?
AND, If I understand correctly, the bible does not actually say homosexuality is wrong. I believe it says that sodomy is wrong. There's a big difference. Not that I really care what the bible says. Well for that matter, sex outside of marriage is considered a sin, and seems like plenty of christians do that.
So in conclusion, I don't care if people are against homosexuality (although I think that's ignorant... I mean, what did they ever do to you? Talk about generalizations), but just because you don't like them, doesn't mean that what they're doing is a choice. The issue is not as simple as some unscientific, uneducated folks make it out to be.
OK, not angry at you--- just angry at stupid people out there that make otherwise good people believe bunk.
I don't know much about the biology/genetics around being gay, but I also disagree... mostly because I don't think anyone would choose to be gay if it was simply a lifestyle choice. I know that I wouldn't choose to be persecuted or to "differ" from the norm. I mean, gay couples can't get married in most places or even acknowledged as a couple, it's really hard for them to be accepted as parents, and they have to face so much opposition from others. If it were simply a choice, then I'm sure the vast majority would make the choice to escape the persecution they face.
Also, I don't think I could ever be attracted to a girl- in that way- aside from thinking someone is really pretty. I could probably try for many years to go out with a girl and get into her, but I don't think I would ever be successful. I've always been boycrazy :) So if straight people can't convince themselves to be gay.. how can it be possible the other way around?
I don't know... it just kind of upsets me because I don't think sexual orientation should be such a big deal. There are evil people of all races, sexual orientation, etc. And there are good people. I wish it could just be about that, and not about the color of skin or sexual orientation or gender, etc. Having to deal with being called a "chink" for so many years and being made fun of as a kid, there were times I wished that I could just be an average white kid! I'm glad that's not something I could have changed because I'm happy with who I am and where I am, you know? I feel like being gay or straight is similar to being different races. I don't think it could be a lifestyle choice, or there would be much fewer gays in the world now.
oh i didn't see your replies til now..... so i'll write back some
@ steph
I think the way i worded it back then was a little off. I mean that I do believe that people are predispositioned to liking a certain gender naturally through genetics. But like disease..... even if say you have the brca gene, you might not get breast cancer. It depends a lot on chance and the environment and how they led their lives to date. And to say physical attraction is purely dependent on genes, I think that's sorta wrong because attraction is very complicated and involves one intellectually as well as physically and definitely depends on environmental factors and the individuals' experiences to date.
tho my other bio-friend thinks attraction is purely based on pheromones or something...... (i still find that hard to believe) and that gay people has some system that only react to those from the same gender while heterosexuals react to those from opposite gender?
I think genes/ chemicals DO do a lot, but you also gotta take into account the entire system which is so complex, that trying to pick apart a tiny corner cannot explain everything.
it's also sort of like do you believe your genes determine who you are and your personality? Or do you believe that you have some say in the person that you become and how you react to the outside world? (i think there's some philosophical term for this, determinism vs free-will)
It's like if I'm genetically predispositioned to love sweet stuff but have diabetes and think it'll kill me, i can learn curb that desire and eat something else. So even if people are 'gay' but they DON'T want to be attracted to the same sex, if they will themselves enough, I believe they can lead normal lives with the opposite sex. The only question is if they really want to do that instead of going with their original preferences. For me, i don't judge/ like anyone more or less cuz they're gay, but i *personally* think that homosexuality goes against 'nature'.
I actually haven't read the bible closely enough to know the difference between sodomy and homosexuality, but i don't think they explicitly state homosexuality is wrong. (i've read some of those arguments on gay christian websites). Tho there is a verse that bans "using things not for its natural purposes" like having anything other than vaginal sex (oh wait, i checked, that's the definition of
hopefully my long-winded explanation makes me seem less of a redneck?
wow, i didn't think i worded it in such a controversial way......and now i'm replying way late cuz i didn't see these. I just wrote a super long response to steph's and now i'm But i know if i wait til tmr morning to write back i'll be off course the entire day xD
Anyways about the lifestyle choice argument, and how they wouldn't *choose* to be different, i've heard that many times but it's not *really* a solid argument right, it's not based on some testable, quantifiable data. Also I don't think these days they get persecuted as much. (and that as a result there are more gay couples)
I guess what I'm saying is that I find it hard to believe it's a black and white process that is completely determined by ones' genes. I do think genes factor in, and perhaps one may be heavily preferenced in a certain direction. But as humans, everything, especially attraction is such a complicated, undefinable thing.
And I'm not saying i hate homosexuals or anything, i just think it is a vice from a christian standpoint.
Also i want to ask you, what is so different about guys and girls to you? Is it the way they think? Their actions? Or purely physically? Do you think that humans are really divided into male and females souls? (for a lack of a better term)
If it really was they can only like the same sex, how do you explain that two lesbians i/we know started dating guys after being sure they didn't like guys? I actually agree more philosophically that we like who we like. Although society/culture does have a LOT of say in influencing who we become. But in the end, it is much more than just physical.
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