Sunday, March 14, 2010


了断吧, 了断吧
嗯不能执迷不悟了。虽然我已跳出了一些陋习,但却找到了 replacement 然后就继续在这种怪圈子里。 再不主动就要一辈子这样下去了! 我表!

虽然可以藏在心底,但以后坚决不要看那 些网站了。 有些记忆还是藏在心底更美好,嗯


还 有那些有的没得,看了我都生气, 也不知道为什么还那么上瘾。 天哪!

所以趁现在还来得及,就忘了吧。 就当是一场恋爱,然后我失恋了

或 者当那些狗血剧 让我失去记忆也行。总之,从今以后我们就行同陌路了,我不会再执迷于此了,让我神不守舍的,干正事都心不在焉

我 要 prove 我还可以作很多事,理念不能总是心里想想,要用实际来说明什么是我的 precious 的人和事物

顺带着也不要总 给自己找难过,以扭曲 的眼光看世界

Saturday, March 13, 2010

started reading christian reviews of movies. I think the way it's going.....they will label EVERY movie as morally corrupt. uhhhhh

and for Ponyo, somebody wrote:
'There was the dad—well at first I wasn't sure if it was a dad - could have been a man or woman'
lol.....ouch..... japanese masculinity just went down the drain
'I know that the film makers in Hollywood don't think like most evangelical christians.....'
eh? hollywood had nothing to do with this movie?

Anyways, so my dilemma is about Christianity again. I do believe in God I honestly do. But Christians seem so extreme. It seems like I need to live every single second reading the bible or something. Not allowed to do anything else in my free time or I'd feel guilty about not being a 'good Christian'. And did God really create the world just so we could worship him and not do anything else? I dunno.....seems..... strange to me, I do believe he'd want us to love him, but us not doing anything else? Also a lot of the 'evidence' i hear supporting different things are very circumstantial and also how prayers work borders on mi xing.

One thing I do agree tho is the view on homosexuals. Mostly cuz I've become homophobic. Like......very. From so much that happened in real life and non- real life. I def don't think ppl were born like that like it was your ethnicity. (that times article btw is bull too...... how can that dude say that? and that his priests can be gay?) I mean first of all if it's entirely genetic then gays would die out. And I find it hard to believe they won't react to females entirely. Like sure they may have a genetic predisposition to the same sex, but the rest is all in the surroundings and their minds. And once they convince themselves and exist in that thought pattern long enough, it's hard to break out of it.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

was inspired to write in this from now on. Need to learn to let go..... :/

went to a bible study. I was a bit hesistant about whether or not to go...... since my post earlier, and plus i needed to work with my project partner (yes we're so hard working) but I felt a need to go so I went. And I'm really really glad to have gone. I definitely learned a lot of things. I hope too that our presence somehow helped that family.

It was the family of that visiting graduate student that got hit by a car and died. These things..... i don't know, happening on other people that you don't know is sad. But once you are in contact with them..... then it's just..... i don't know. I question the purpose of God's plans sometimes.

But yeah, no real comments, but the family seems to be handling it a lot better than I thought, at least on the surface. The wife, she's so young. The story really seems like something out of a novel or movies, she was wearing two rings on her chain. And from what she said, they seemed like a sweet and cute couple. Like even if it was something super cliche, the way she said it was extremely romantic and sad.

Hmmmm...... I guess some things just happen, that's life. But DO wear helmets while biking.